Fifty years ago, a group of amateur artists were obliged to find an alternative venue to paint portraits. They had enjoyed a number of years in an evening class in the then Regional College of Art, (now the NAPA). This was a cosy group with Walter Goodin as tutor, but since Walter had neither degree nor diploma, although he was a respected professional artist, he was no longer allowed to “teach” at the College. He suggested to them that they form their own painting club. This became the Hull Painting Circle.

Ken Beaulah, one of the main artists, suggested they paint in his workshop’s canteen. This they did until Ken helped them find a more permanent venue, 76 Park Street. The club was formerly inaugurated in Park Street in 1966. It was a joint venture of the Hull Art Club (founded in 1935), and to which most of the group already belonged and the new Hull Painting Circle, hence the Hull Art Circle. The club logo was designed by Ken Beaulah.

In 1982, the club moved to the top of the Y.P.I. in George Street, where we remained until January 2005.